Inglese I - Canale B (MSL0284)
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Corso di studi:
AA 2020/2021
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 1
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 2
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 3
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 4
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 5
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 6
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 7
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 8
- Lez 04/11 Hand Hygiene pg 9
- Lez 07/10 Benvenuto/introduzione al corso
- Lez 08/04 Immune System pt 1; Group 4 Share Measles MMR Vaccine
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: Attitude Roots of Antivaccination
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: Hesitancy & Opposition
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: Hesitancy Editorial
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: Opposition
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: WS Concept Map
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: WS Connections
- Lez 08/04 Vaccines: WS Venn Diagram
- Lez 10/02 Anatomy. Parts of the Body 1
- Lez 10/02 Anatomy. Parts of the Body 2 Disease Systems
- Lez 10/02 Anatomy. The Urinary System
- Lez 10/02 Anatomy. Urine Tests Cloze & Vocab
- Lez 10/02 Anatomy. Urine Tests Cloze 2
- Lez 17/02 Abstract Structure Intro Caregiver Distance
- Lez 17/02 Abstract Structure KeyWords Qs Post-cancer Fatigue
- Lez 17/02 Abstract Structure RQ WS
- Lez 17/02 Abstracts Tongue Piercing Intro
- Lez 17/02 Abstracts Tongue Piercing WS
- Lez 17/02 Basic Med Text Schema
- Lez 17/02 Clinical Vignette Body Piercing
- Lez 17/02 Cool Websites
- Lez 17/02 Piercing 1
- Lez 17/02 Piercing 2
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol - The Good & the Bad
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol Processing & Degradation
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Hepatitis
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Instructions
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: WS Concept Map
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 1 - Antibiotic Resistance I
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 1 - Antibiotic Resistance II
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 1 - Antibiotic Resistance III
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 2 - COVID-19 & Influenza - WHO
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 2 - Spread of COVID-19 - National Geographic
- Lez 21/04 Immune System; Group 3 - Virology - Cells Alive website
- Lez 24/03 Presentation Liver Anatomy & Function
- Lez 28/10 Migraine concept map
- Lez 28/10 Migraine connection web
- Lez 28/10 Migraine instructions
- Lez 28/10 Migraine web design evaluation checklist
- Material propedeutico esame finale 1° anno Canale B
- Practice final exam inglese I