Inglese II - Canale B (MSL0285)
2° anno
Corso di studi:
[f007-c303] laurea i^ liv. in infermieristica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di infermiere) - a cuneo
AA 2024/2025
- 07.10 Celiac Disease Educational Video Evaluation Grid
- 07.10 Celiac Disease Instructions
- 07.10 Celiac Disease Student's Guide to Infographics
- 07.10 Celiac Disease WS 3-Circle Venn Diagram
- 07.10 Celiac Disease WS Concept Map
- 07.10 Celiac Disease WS Gear Sequence
- 08.01 Contraception and Reproductive/Sexual Health - Instructions
- 08.01 Contraception WS Concept Map
- 08.01 Contraception WS Connection Web
- 08.01 Contraception WS FAQs
- 15.10 Medical Narratives - Use of Force
- 15.10 Workplace Violence in Nursing
- 15.10. Medical Narratives - Instructions
- 15.10. Medical Narratives - My Jockey
- 15.10. Medical Narratives - WS Plot diagram
- 15.10. Medical Narratives - WS Timeline
- 23.10 Blood type/donation/transfusion/composition - Evaluation grid educational videos/infographics
- 23.10 Blood type/donation/transfusion/composition - Instructions
- 24.01 Stroke Text Comprehension - Instructions
- 24.01 Stroke WS Ischemic vs Hemorrhagic vs TIA
- 24.01 Stroke WS Web search
- 04.06 Antibiotic Resistance - Cause & Effect (the silent tsunami, Uppsala Univ lab)
- 04.06 Antibiotic Resistance - Evolution (
- 04.06 Antibiotic Resistance - Genetics (
- 04.06 Antibiotic Resistance - Virology Notes (
- 09.06 Tattoo WS 3-circle Venn diagram
- 09.06 Tattoo WS Concept Map
- 09.06 Tattoo: body art & e-health technology
- 10.03 Diabetes WS Concept Map. Summary
- 10.03 Diabetes WS Connections. Key Words
- 10.03 Diabetes WS Venn diagram. Note Taking by Question Making
- 10.03 Diabetes. Building a Better Insulin NEJM
- 10.03 Diabetes. Building a Better Insulin. Instructions
- 10.03 Diabetes. Web Design Checklist
- 27.03 Cardiac Cycle - Evaluation grid educational videos
- 27.03 Cardiac Cycle - Instructions
- 27.03 Cardiac Cycle - Metaphor Failing Heart
- 27.03 Cardiac Cycle - Mind/body Connection
- 28.05 COVID-19 vs flu FAQs
- 28.05 COVID-19 vs flu More FAQs
- 28.05 COVID-19 vs flu WS Connections Web
- 28.05 COVID-19 vs flu WS T-chart
AA 2023/2024
AA 2022/2023
- Lez 16.11. Handwashing - Instructions
- Lez 16.11. Handwashing - Video evaluation Grid
- Lez 16.11. Handwashing - WS Venn diagram
- Lez gio 20/10 Bi/multilingualism - Beliefs Questionnaire
- Lez gio 20/10 Bi/multilingualism - Decalogue Good Language Learner
- Lez gio 20/10 Bi/multilingualism - Instructions
- Lez lun 17/10 Monkeypox Fact & Fake News - Instructions
- Lez lun 17/10 Monkeypox Facts & Fake News - Note-taking scheme
AA 2021/2022
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging MRI
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging WS 3 Qs 3 As
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging WS Connections
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging X-ray Chest Radiography
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging X-ray Skull Radiography
- Lez 04/04 Diagnostic Imaging X-ray Views
- Lez 08/04 ASD Instructions
- Lez 08/04 ASD WS 2-circle Venn diagram
- Lez 08/04 ASD WS 3Qs 3As
- Lez 08/04 ASD WS Concept 1
- Lez 08/04 ASD WS Concept 2
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Grammar Grid 1
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Grammar Grid 2
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Grammar Grid 3
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Grammar Grid 4
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Text pg 1
- Lez 21/03 Stroke Text pg 2
AA 2020/2021
- Lez 09/10/2020 Ripasso materiale II sem 2019-2020
- Lez 15/10/2020 Migraine Instructions
- Lez 15/10/2020 Migraine WS Concept map
- Lez 15/10/2020 Migraine WS Venn diagram
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol Processing
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Instructions
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: WS Concept Map
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol - the Good & the Bad
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Hepatitis
- Lez 22 & 28/10/2020 Bone Health & Nutrition Instructions
- Lez 22 & 28/10/2020 Bone Health & Nutrition Instructions Invited Review
- Lez 22 & 28/10/2020 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review
- Lez 22 & 28/10/2020 Bone Health & Nutrition WS Connection Web
- Lez 22 & 28/10/2020 Bone Health & Nutrition WS Sequence Invited Review
- Lez 24/03 Presentation Liver Anatomy & Function
- Lez 26/05 Autism Basic Medical Text Schema
- Lez 26/05 Autism Instructions
- Lez 26/05 Autism Outline Notetaking
- Lez 31/03 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Basic Medical Text Structure
- Lez 31/03 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Instructions
- Lez 31/03 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Outline for Notetaking
- Materiale propedeutico all'esame
- Practice final exam English II