Inglese II - Canale A (MSL0285)
2° anno
Corso di studi:
[f007-c303] laurea i^ liv. in infermieristica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di infermiere) - a cuneo
AA 2020/2021
- Lez 03/06 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Basic Medical Text Structure
- Lez 03/06 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Instructions
- Lez 03/06 Rare Diseases & Reproductive Rights: Outline for Notetaking
- Lez 09/06 Cardiac Cycle - Evaluation grid educational videos
- Lez 09/06 Cardiac Cycle - Instructions
- Lez 09/06 Cardiac Cycle - Metaphor Failing Heart
- Lez 09/06 Cardiac Cycle - Mind/body Connection
- Lez 09/12 Digital Health & At-home Diagnostics
- Lez 09/12 Digital Health & At-home Diagnostics Instructions
- Lez 16/06 Blood type/donation/transfusion/composition - Evaluation grid educational videos & infographics
- Lez 16/06 Blood type/dontation/transfusion/composition - Instructions
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Instructions
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: WS Concept Map
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol - the Good & the Bad
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Cholesterol Processing & Degradation
- Lez 17/03 Liver Anatomy & Function: Liver & Hepatitis
- Lez 18/11 Migraine Instructions
- Lez 18/11 Migraine Web Design Checklist
- Lez 18/11 Migraine WS Concept Map
- Lez 18/11 Migraine WS Venn Diagram
- Lez 20/01/2021 Ripasso Bone Health & Nutrition
- Lez 24/03 Presentation Liver Anatomy & Function
- Lez 25/11 Bone Health & Nutrition Instructions
- Lez 25/11 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review
- Lez 25/11 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review Instructions
- Lez 25/11 Bone Health & Nutrition WS Sequence
- Lez 25/11 Bone Health & Nutrition WS Web connections
- Lez 26/05 Autism Basic Medical Text Schema
- Lez 26/05 Autism Instructions
- Lez 26/05 Autism Notetaking
- Lez 27/01/2021 Ripasso Digital Health
- Materiale propedeutico per esame finale
- Practice English Final Exam
- Stroke Introduction & Instructions Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke Text pg 1 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke Text pg 2 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Grammar Grid 1 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Grammar Grid 2 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Grammar Grid 3 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Grammar Grid 4 Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Ischemic vs Hemorrhagic Lez 03/02/2021
- Stroke WS Web Search Lez 03/02/2021