Inglese I - Canale B (MSL0284)
1° anno
Corso di studi:
[f007-c303] laurea i^ liv. in infermieristica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di infermiere) - a cuneo
AA 2024/2025
AA 2023/2024
- Lez 02.11 Bi/multilingualism Instructions
- Lez 02/11 Intro - Course Outline
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury - Photo vs Diagram
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 1
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 2
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 3
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 4
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 5
- Lez 10.04 Anatomy & Injury 6
- Lez 15.02. Hand Hygiene - Infographics Example
- Lez 15.02. Hand Hygiene - Instructions
- Lez 15.02. Hand Hygiene - Student's Guide to Infographics with Canva
- Lez 15.02. Hand Hygiene - Video Evaluation Grid
- Lez 15.02. Hand Hygiene - WS Venn diagram
- Lez 15.04 Diagnostic Imaging - MRI
- Lez 15.04 Diagnostic Imaging - Radiography
- Lez 15.04 Diagnostic Imaging - Skull X-ray
- Lez 15.04 Diagnostic Imaging - WS Connections (X-ray views)
- Lez 15.04 Diagnostic Imaging - X-ray Views
- Lez 15.04 What happens during Medical Imaging?
- Lez 22.03 Bone Health & Nutrition - Instructions
- Lez 22.03 Bone Health & Nutrition Review - Instructions
- Lez 22.03 Bone Health & Nutrition Worksheet Connection Web
- Lez 22.03 Bone Health & Nutrition Worksheet Sequence
- Lez 22.03 Bone Health & Nutrition. Invited Review
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy & Function - Instructions
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy & Function - Instructions, Text, Visuals
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy Urine Close 1
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy Urine Close 2
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy WS 3Qs 3As
- Lez 22.04 Kidney Anatomy WS Concept Map
- Lez 22.04 Liver Anatomy & Function - Cholesterol Good & Bad
- Lez 22.04 Liver Anatomy & Function - Cholesterol Processing
- Lez 22.04 Liver Anatomy & Function - Hepatitis
- Lez 22.04 Liver Anatomy & Function - Instructions
- Lez 22.04 Liver Anatomy & Function WS Concept Map
- Lez 26.03 Migraine Instructions & Website Evaluation Criteria
- Lez 26.03 Migraine Web Design Evaluation Checklist
- Lez 26.03 WS Migraine 3Q3As
- Lez 26.03 WS Migraine Concept Map
- Lez 26.03 WS Migraine Venn Diagram
AA 2022/2023
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition Instructions
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review Instructions
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition Invited Review Reader Response
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition PCRM Dairy Fact Sheet
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition PCRM Protecting Bones Fact Sheet
- Lez 20/02 Bone Health & Nutrition PCRM Protein Myth
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 1
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 2
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 3
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 4
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 5
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 6
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 7
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 8
- Lez gio 03/11 Hand Hygiene 9
- Lez gio 27/10 Language Learner Beliefs
- Lez gio 27/10 Language Learner Decalog
AA 2021/2022
Altri files
- Lez 03/04 Virology (
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance - Genetic Basis (
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance - Cause & Effect
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance - Evolution (
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance - Health Education (
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance WS 3Qs3As
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance WS Gear Sequence
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance WS Hexagon
- Lez 03/04 Antibiotic Resistance WS Venn Diagram
- Lez 24/03 Immune System Group 2 COVID-19 FAQs
- Lez 24/03 Immune System Group 2 COVID-19 Spread